As the whole world mourns the Haiti earthquake, some people are terming this tragedy as ‘a punishment from God, to the Haitians.’ The most pronounced being evangelist Pat Robinson's comments that they had actually made a pact with the devil, and according to this ‘man of God’, the devil said "well, we have a deal!" Where he got this info from, only him knows.
But assuming that he communicates with the devil, and assuming also that the devil told him the truth, Haitians might go into deeper shit. But wait a minute, could it be that we also know this devil, and that we see his manifestations every day, all over the world and even right here in Kenya?
Let us first look at what the media is not telling us:
1. At the time of this 'punishment from God,' Haiti had no legit government, their popularly elected government of Jean-Bertrand Aristide had been overthrown in 2004,or, rather, he was forced to resign and flee, after numerous demos organised by very violent rebels, believed to have the support the U.S and France.
2. Since then, Haiti has been under U.N (read U.S) military control, with some involvement of Brazil and other developed countries.
3. Very little effort has been made to bring democracy back to that country.
4. Due to the fall of their agricultural sector, the population in port-au-prince has increased in hundreds of thousands since the ouster of President Aristide.
5. Most of the deaths witnessed in Haiti, didn’t occur in the less than one minute tremor, no, they happened in the subsequent days, due to lack of emergency machinery, food and water.
So, who’s this Satan that attracted the wrath of God?
It is quite obvious that in this governmentless country, it was the role of the U.N (U.S), to co-ordinate all the rescue operations, but America, the most powerful country in the world, the country with the best disaster response machinery In the world, sent its first aid five days from the day disaster struck. This is despite the fact that they had been allowed permission to use their neighbors’ air space and airports, including that of Cuba.
Other countries like, Israel, Cuba, countries of the E.U, south American countries and even African countries, had began sending their medics, military, and food aid within 48hrs of the disaster. Now, what’s shocking is that, when the American govt, through its military sent its aid five days later, they began by blocking the airport at port-au-prince, which they then used as their base for the evacuation of its citizens, and citizens of the developed world, including some who had arrived for the rescue missions (some Belgian doctors were actually ordered by U.N to evacuate, thanks to the instructions of the U.S who had the ‘intelligence’ that violence was going to erupt in that region.)
A UNICEF plane full of medical kits, blankets and tents was turned back, and forced to land in Panama.
A MSF (doctors without borders) plane carrying inflatable hospitals was directed to Dominican Republic, and it was the same story for Red Cross and planes from other countries.
Even individual Americans who had privately contributed millions through churches and other organisations were not being allowed to land in Haiti.
The U.S went further to impose a curfew in the city, in the guise of preventing looting. These ‘looters’ are in real sense the same fellows who should benefit from the aid, which was being withheld at the U.N grounds and other places. Furthermore, how do you impose a curfew on such a traumatized people?
In the meantime, the American govt, through its propaganda machineries (in the form of international media ), kept on, and keeps on relaying news of how the American govt has done this, done that, giving the picture that all the other countries have been playing the secondary roles. These international media are even using this disaster to further their hate campaigns to the countries that they consider to be enemies of the U.S. by omitting their contribution. News of Chinese, Iranian, Libyan, Venezuelan among many other nations is not relayed at all.
Even a country like Cuba, which even before the quake had over 400 volunteer doctors working in the slums of Haiti, and numerous social workers does not appear in the news. This is even after Cuba lost some of its doctors in the quake! We are not even told that some of the survivors are being evacuated to Cuban hospitals!
From this analysis, it is clear, that the Obama govt is responsible for tens of thousands of deaths, due to errors of omission and commission.
Now, back to reverend Pats’ comment; and we ask ourselves this question- who could this devil, who made a pact with Haiti 100 years ago be??
This can be found only out by quickly going back the history of Haiti.
Haiti was the first independent nation in Latin America, the first post-colonial independent black-led nation in the world, and the only nation whose independence was gained as part of a successful slave rebellion. The country was crippled by years of war, its agriculture devastated, its formal commerce nonexistent, and the people uneducated and mostly unskilled.
But no sooner had they acquired their new status than the French began their post independence colonialization, forcing the country to compensate slave owners among many other dubious stuff.
This continued until the Americans decided to take over from France, and even shamelessly invading the country in 1915, and occupying the island for the next 20 years! On their usual pretext of promoting democracy.
After they that the time for their occupation was up, they decided to put up a puppet govt, something that they were doing all over the Americas.
This gave rise to brutal dictators like Francois ‘Papa Doc’, whose brutality the U.S didn’t see, as long as the U.S fruit companies continued farming freely.
There was even a time when Cuba, through Che Guevara, organised and trained guerrillas so that they could overthrow these dictators, including Papa Doc (who was a great supporter of fellow dictator Fulgencio Batista) but he failed.
Oppression of this kind would continue for decades to come, until in the late 1980s, when Jean-Bertrand Aristide would lead the famous ‘Lavala’ revolution.
At this juncture, it is important to study the life of this revolutionary, and this we shall do by having a short looking at his biography.
{The following short biography I have taken from the black bio website}
>>>>Jean-Bertrand Aristide was born on July 15, 1953, in Douyon, a small town along Haiti's southern arm. Orphaned as an infant, he was raised by priests of the Society of St. Francis de Sales of the Roman Catholic Church. The Salesian Order, with European and American houses and members, focused in Haiti on the spiritual instruction of poor and orphaned children. As a dependent of the Salesians, Aristide received his early education in their parochial schools and later attended their seminary in Haiti and the University of Haiti. He was sent to Israel, Egypt, Britain, and Canada for biblical and other learning.
Aristide was ordained a priest in 1982. He also earned a graduate degree in psychology at the University of Montreal. He learned to read and speak French, Spanish, English, Hebrew, Italian, German, and Portuguese in addition to his native Creole. Aristide wrote poetry and composed hymns on his guitar.
In 1988 Aristide was expelled from the Salesian order for preaching too politically and for what Aristide called his "fidelity to the poor." He had been warned by the Vatican and by his local bishop to preach less radically and to cease inflaming his parishioners against the Haitian state. From his ordination, Aristide had condemned Haiti's absence of democracy, arguing from his pulpit in the Church of St. Jean Bosco in the poorest part of Port-au-Prince that only a spiritual and political cleansing could save the country.
For all but the first five years of Aristide's life, Haiti had been ruled by the harsh family dictatorship of Francois (Papa Doc) Duvalier and by Jean-Paul (Baby Doc) Duvalier, his son. Human rights violations were legion. Ordinary Haitians were ceaselessly intimidated by paramilitary thugs known as the tonton macoutes. The ruling family and the state were synonymous and preyed viciously on the people. Corruption was rife.
Aristide's antagonism to the dictatorship grew out of his religious convictions and his empathy with the sufferings of the Haitian people. He may have foreseen that the Duvalier dictatorship was crumbling; after months of popular protest, some of which was stimulated by Aristide's preachings, in early 1986 Baby Doc and his entourage fled Haiti for France.
The military juntas that succeeded Baby Doc also oppressed the poor. The regimes of both General Prosper Avril and Lieutenant General Henri Namphy were criticized from Aristide's pulpit. In retaliation, the tonton macoutes attacked the Church of St. Jean Bosco, killing 13 members of Aristide's congregation in 1988, two weeks before he was expelled from the Salesian order. The Roman Catholic Church ordered Aristide to Rome. But that "transfer" resulted in one of the largest street demonstrations in Haitian history, with tens of thousands of Haitians angrily blocking Aristide's departure by air.
Aristide had not been defrocked, despite his expulsion from the order. After 1988 he continued to work with the desperately poor of Port-au-Prince by running a halfway house for street children and by opening a medical clinic.
When the United Nations, the United States, and the Organization of American States finally persuaded the military men of Haiti to hold elections, Aristide was neither an early nor an expected candidate. The front runner was Marc Bazin, an experienced international civil servant, but there were many other well-known men of substance, as well as a leader of the macoutes, who also tendered their candidacies.
The character of the race for the presidency changed dramatically, however, when Aristide decided to run, only a few months before the poll in December 1990. His act was widely regarded as quixotic and sacrificial. But his messianic pledges of redemptive justice for victims of dictatorship and violence struck a responsive chord among the poor, nearly all of whom would be voting for the first time in the nation's only full and free election. He also spoke harshly against the United States, both as a supporter of the Duvaliers and as an exploitative force in the world.
A slight, wispy person, Aristide overwhelmingly vanquished his electoral foes. He won 67% of the popular vote, but his Lavalas (Avalanche) Party, which had had little time to organize, took only a comparatively small percentage of the seats in the Haitian parliament. Before Aristide was ousted by military men led by General Raoul Cedras on September 30, 1991, the new president had alarmed the commercial and old-line ruling classes of Haiti by preaching violence against macoutes and leading purges of persons suspected of being secret Duvalierists. His constructive accomplishments in office had been few, particularly since his hold on parliament had been ineffectual.
In the immediate aftermath of the coup the United States, the Organization of American States, and the United Nations embargoed Haitian exports and attempted to bar petroleum and other imports. But those efforts were only partially successful, and the masses suffered from economic sanctions much more than the military junta.
All three groups attempted to broker a settlement between Aristide, living first in Venezuela and later in the United States, and Cedras and his accomplices. Several agreements unraveled when Aristide changed his mind; others fell apart because the military leaders were endlessly suspicious of Aristide's real intentions.
In mid-1993 the Clinton administration and the United Nations persuaded Aristide and Cedras to meet near New York and to conclude an agreement that would return Aristide to the Haitian presidency for the final 27 months of his single, non-renewable term and provide an amnesty for the military. But Haiti's power elite refused to implement the agreement. President Clinton had over 23,000 U.S. troops sent to Haiti in what was termed "Restore Democracy." <<<<<
To cut the long story short, elections were held in 1995, an election in which he was barred from vying, and Rene Preval won 85%, in an election which had a turnout of only 25%.
He would later vie in 2001, where he had a landslide win garnering 92%. The turnout was 60%.
In 2004, fearing for the creation of another Castro, he was again overthrown and kidnapped out of the country by the U.S and France.
He exiled himself in South Africa, where he was given an official red carpet state welcome by the ANC govt.
Back to Pat Robinson;,,, this man of God could be right on one thing, the involvement of Satan in all this>> Imperialist Satans have been dealing with Haiti for over 100 years now.<<
Benedict Wachira Mamluki
2nd February 2010
7: 20pm